Trinity's Stained-Glass Windows

The Nave Windows ...

Designed by Tiffany Studios, depictions of Christ with two angels proudly overlooks the Nave. The first two windows are dedicated in memory of Major Henry Smith (September 25, 1798 - July 24, 1847) and his wife, Elvira Lorraine Foster (September 27, 1804 - November 13, 1878). The third window is dedicated in memory of Brigadier General Joseph Rowe Smith (September 8, 1802 - September 3, 1868). 

The Narthex Windows ...

With the inscription "Many waters cannot quench love; Neither can the floods drown it" from the Song of Solomon, the Narthex Windows that greet visitors as they enter Trinity's doors are dedicated in memory of Carolene D. and Mary H. Patchin, two sisters who died on the Morning Star ship when it sank in 1868.

The Christ Child Window

in memory of Clarence Clarke 

(July 19, 1852 - December 1859)

The Baptismal Window

in memory of Samuel Harrington and his daughters, Adelaide and Laviah.


A Memorial Window

in memory of Philip R. Toll

(1793 - August 17, 1862)

The Passion of Christ Window

in memory of Abraham and Marianne Norman

(died 1852 and 1838, respectively)

The Forget-Me-Not Window

in memory of William H. and Mary A. Manning and their children - Edward Manning, Alice Manning, William Manning, Ella M. Wright, Henry Manning, Judge W.D. and Mary Ford, Gertrude M. DeLand and Charles W. Ford

The Ascension Window

in memory of Dan B. Miller

(June 12, 1801 - January 9, 1853)

The Chancel Windows

given in memory of Trinity's first rector, the Rev. John O'Brien.

St. Matthew with an angel

St. Mark with a lion 

(partially hidden by the reredos)

St. Luke with an ox

St. John with an eagle

Read more about Trinity's stained-glass windows in two specials to The Monroe News by Tom Adamich,

professor of technical services and reference librarian at Monroe County Community College.